Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Adult Conversation

A friend told me she knows a young mother who works because she, "...needs adult conversation." She said she's "...a better mother when she can interact with adults in the workplace." Wow! My first thought is perhaps her young children need adult conversation from their mother. I don't mean to "sound" judgmental. I just think that somewhere along the line the message of the importance of a mother's job has been lost. It's been lost in the passing of one generation to the next. Who has the baton? Do I? Perhaps.

It can be hard to stand on the soap box of womanhood and ask, "Mother! Who is holding your baby?" "Wife, who is caring for your home?" "Young lady, are you preparing yourself to become a bride?" Sadly, nowadays, those are not welcomed questions. Maybe I need to pull my soap box out of the closet and quietly stand. Then after standing, gently encourage. Have I been doing that already? What is the next step? Adding my opinion into the pot and hope it gets mixed around enough to matter? Perhaps. I know I need to make sure my own daughters know the importance of being a Keeper of the Home. The world fights against the message.

I will fight back.

Women...Love your husband and children. Love your home. Take care of your home. Honor God with your lives.

Titus 2:3-5 :)

Monday, August 6, 2007

Generation Gap

From my perspective, I was born in an odd generation. It's not necessary to tell which generation. BUT, I was born during the Revolution. No, not George Washington's time, I'm not THAT old, but during a time when women were supposedly breaking "free",once and for all, from the monotony of life within their homes. Since I was just born during that time I was really too young to be exposed to an overwhelming amount of information from the feminist movement.

Side bar: I was raise by a mother who was a war baby, who was raised by a mother who was born just before the Depression. My father was born during the Depression. Any idea yet of the decade I was born?

My influence of thinking as to "Women can be anything they want and escape the drudgery of home" didn't occur until I was around fifteen or so. Until then, I never thought much about the roles of women. I do believe, however, that up until the age of fifteen I was influenced by society's view of women as society's view began to be shaped more and more by what the "Hollywooders" dished out.

A few ideas with which I was thoroughly saturated, but didn't realize until I started putting "it" all together, were: Women have to be beautiful to have worth, women are objects to be used and then tossed aside, women are important if they have a career in the office, women are probably better than men.

Another side bar: Something I distinctly remember thinking as a child is, bank teller ladies are snobs. :) I don't write this to be ugly toward bank tellers , but I think during my growing up years, at least where I lived, having the job of bank teller must have been an important one for women.

I don't know that I have a point for this post, except to say, my ideas and thoughts about the roles of women have been wide and varied...that is, until I realized that God's Word clearly teaches that a woman's place is in the Home. I've heard many, many reasons as to why the Lord has "blessed my job" (meaning working outside the home), but in my opinion, that "blessing" is a contradiction to God's Word. AND, once I realized the Truth my opinion hasn't changed.

I suppose an exception would be when a man abandons his family and the woman has to feed her children by working outside the home. I truly feel for these women. I have a dear friend who is in this situation. I don't consider her a "working woman", but a mother trying to survive and take care of her children.

I believe our role as women is clearly defined in God's Word. He knows best. Why we women sometimes cheat ourselves out of this true blessing is a puzzle.

"...to be busy at home..." Titus 2:5

Friday, July 27, 2007

At Home This Week

At Home This Week
This week has been an industrious one. For example, my oldest daughter made two quilts and a set of curtains these last few days. One quilt was a throw for her bed and the curtains were for her room. The second quilt was a request from a woman from church who wanted some of her favorite T-shirts sewn together. My daughter earned $20.00 for the job. :) She also rearranged her room to best compliment the colors she chose for her newly sewn items.

My youngest daughter has been baking this afternoon. She has baked chocolate shortbread (I've sampled quite a bit of this already). At the moment, she has a custard in the oven and cheese rolls ready to go in after that. She doesn't cook like this everyday, but she does create on a fairly regular basis. It's wonderful to see her show such an interest in kitchen work. :)She's hoping to have time to bake a cake to take with us when we visit friends out of state this weekend.

My son is four and has been busy playing. He spent a good bit of time making Play-doh animals and feeding them. It's important to keep your animals well fed. :)

These things along with the normal day to day chores have kept us quite occupied.

It's good for a mama to see her chicks busy working with their hands.

Psalm 63:5 "My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise You." :)

Friday, July 20, 2007


Today, my children and I visited my husband's mother and step-father. We had a nice time chatting. While there I picked up a large metal coffee can to use for a bread recipe I ran across.

Seeing the metal coffee can reminded Papa (the step-father)who is quite elderly and doesn't hear very well, of a boyhood memory. He told me that when he was a boy his mother use to bake brown bread in a metal coffee can in the oven. Papa said the smell would fill the house. He said he was sure his mother made other kinds of bread, but distinctly remembers the brown bread. What a nice memory to have. Now it's something I will remember.:)

My MIL has lots of cats and kittens that we enjoyed watching and holding today. She also has a few chickens. As far as chickens go they're actually pretty. My MIL showed us her planter garden. I didn't realize you could grown such healthy looking green beans and herbs in pots. I may try that come next Spring. :) We have a small garden already, but I'd like to try something different. :)

I can't wait to visit again. Next time we'll go as a family and take supper.

"For you make me glad by your deeds, O Lord; I sing for joy at the works of your hands." Psalm 92:4

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Books, Books Everywhere!

Yesterday, we went through all our books. It was quite a job, but someone had to do it. I took them to a local used book store. The store gave me $113.20 credit...for books that were just sitting on the shelf staring at us! I let my children pick out a few movies and books that were calling their names. :) It was lots of fun. I still have $66.00 left of credit. We'll probably wait a couple of weeks before we shop for books again. That will give the store enough time to get books in that we haven't seen there before.

That being said. Out of all books ever written, the greatest of them all is the Holy Word of God. The B-I-B-L-E.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Just Stay At Home Mom

I've said this to friends and I'll say it here-AGAIN. :) In my opinion, one of the sins of our generation is busyness. I don't mean the good old fashion roll up your sleeves and get your house work done kind of busyness. I mean the kind of busyness that takes a woman away from her home. The kind of busyness that rushes a woman out the front door and then rushes her back in just in time to cook dinner.

I think a woman needs to be relaxed and in her own home. If a woman is to be busy at all it should be within her own four walls. I honestly think home is where a woman can be truly happy. It is at home that a woman is truly the Queen. And, with practice this Queen can rule from her throne with skill and grace.

Some practical things to practice:

-Begin eliminating activities from schedule even if they seem good, sociable and helpful.
-Begin getting up just a little earlier to start the day. Shower and completely dress for the success of your home making day.
-Make sure your kitchen is clean and make a list of items needed to have a stocked pantry.
-Move a piece of furniture or two around in the living room to add a newness to the atmosphere.
-Last, but really first. Pray that time will be used effiently before the Lord. His plans may be that you do less around your home at times.

Learn to relax. Just stay at home mom.

"...to be busy at home..." Titus 2:5

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Under the Influence...

I've realized something recently. Our children rarely learn something through osmosis....or at least they don't through osmosis alone. Yes, they are sponges and absorb what is around them, but they are so easily squeezed out at times and will reabsorb again and again. BUT...

They don't learn something just because we speak. As parents we have to speak, then show, then supervise as they attempt life on their own. And guess what? They might fail. And they might fail in a big way. They'll fail less in that big way if we're there to watch their every move. We can't breathe for them, but we must be there to make sure they breathe. I can't trust my children to know how to breathe on their own. I (and my husband, of course) need to show them. And we do. We're not perfect, but we do. We show them. But, I personally need to brush up on that supervision stuff. Confession time. Sorry Lord.

In a very practical way, I, instead of their friends need to be there for them . Sure, friends are nice to have around, but not for long. Children need to be under the influence of their parents instead of under the influence of their friends...even their really good friends. Their little friends are ignorant in life. I don't mean this in a bad way, but they are. Do I want my children to be "taught" about life behind the closed door of friendship? Do I want MY children to teach someone else's children behind the closed door of friendship? Heck no! My children (and they are good children) are as likely to lead someone astray as they are likely to be led astray. They're children. They're learning. I'm learning too, but I'm learning as an adult so now I teach.

So, what am I to do? Well-I think I'll be practical and obey some things I've read many times...."Adult supervision required" and "Never leave children unattended." That's good advice for future reference.

Can I do anything about past sins and mistakes? Heck no! The blood of Christ will have to cover those---actually that precious blood will be needed for the past, present and future sins and mistakes.

God is the God of new beginnings....

Morning by morning His mercies are new....

Forgive me, dear God for the times I've hidden from you or allowed my children to do the same. I'm very sorry. Very sorry (sigh).

Once again Lord, for my children and me (and hubby)...and parenthood..."Create in me a clean heart O'Lord and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

Teach me to be a sponge dear Lord and absorb only Your Truth...The Living Water.
Thank you God! In Jesus Name!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

An Orderly Life

Yesterday, I was talking to my daughters about leading an orderly life. The conversation started with a reminder that when they do something they should do it to the best of their ability. They should be picky. Pickiness is usually associated with negativity, but I think pickiness is a compliment to orderliness.

I explained to my daughters that God is the God of order. He arranged the seasons in perfect order. The moon and sun, for example, appears with exact precision, perhaps even pickiness.

As a woman of God I need to imitate this pickiness within my home. When my home is out of order I'm out of order...my "world" is out of order.

One way to ensure we have orderly homes is to be at home. I honestly think busyness outside our homes is one of the main sins and distractions of our generation. Running to and fro, chasing the wind...spending, spending, spending. This busyness can cause lack of contentment and frustration, which in turn will be spilled inside the home. It's a terrible cycle.

Practically speaking, we should challenge ourselves to make one improvement inside our homes each day. Perhaps moving a piece of furniture or rearranging accessories will do the trick to give a newness...to show our interest in building a haven for our families.

"For you yourselves know how you ought to follow us, for we were not disorderly among you."
2 Thessalonians 3:7

"...aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your hands..."
I Thessalonians 4:11


"...to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed..." Titus 2: 4-5.