Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Just Stay At Home Mom

I've said this to friends and I'll say it here-AGAIN. :) In my opinion, one of the sins of our generation is busyness. I don't mean the good old fashion roll up your sleeves and get your house work done kind of busyness. I mean the kind of busyness that takes a woman away from her home. The kind of busyness that rushes a woman out the front door and then rushes her back in just in time to cook dinner.

I think a woman needs to be relaxed and in her own home. If a woman is to be busy at all it should be within her own four walls. I honestly think home is where a woman can be truly happy. It is at home that a woman is truly the Queen. And, with practice this Queen can rule from her throne with skill and grace.

Some practical things to practice:

-Begin eliminating activities from schedule even if they seem good, sociable and helpful.
-Begin getting up just a little earlier to start the day. Shower and completely dress for the success of your home making day.
-Make sure your kitchen is clean and make a list of items needed to have a stocked pantry.
-Move a piece of furniture or two around in the living room to add a newness to the atmosphere.
-Last, but really first. Pray that time will be used effiently before the Lord. His plans may be that you do less around your home at times.

Learn to relax. Just stay at home mom.

"...to be busy at home..." Titus 2:5


Mrs. Anna T said...

"In my opinion, one of the sins of our generation is busyness. I don't mean the good old fashion roll up your sleeves and get your house work done kind of busyness. I mean the kind of busyness that takes a woman away from her home."

Well put! We're not busy in a good, 'I accomplished a lot and now I can rest' way. We're busy in a stressful, 'I do a lot but it's never enough way'. Less is actually more!

I didn't know you had a blog :)

Kaye :) said...

Hi Anna,

Thanks for stopping by. I haven't had this blog very long. I hope to keep it updated. :)

Yes, you're right...Less is actually more! :)