Saturday, June 2, 2007

Under the Influence...

I've realized something recently. Our children rarely learn something through osmosis....or at least they don't through osmosis alone. Yes, they are sponges and absorb what is around them, but they are so easily squeezed out at times and will reabsorb again and again. BUT...

They don't learn something just because we speak. As parents we have to speak, then show, then supervise as they attempt life on their own. And guess what? They might fail. And they might fail in a big way. They'll fail less in that big way if we're there to watch their every move. We can't breathe for them, but we must be there to make sure they breathe. I can't trust my children to know how to breathe on their own. I (and my husband, of course) need to show them. And we do. We're not perfect, but we do. We show them. But, I personally need to brush up on that supervision stuff. Confession time. Sorry Lord.

In a very practical way, I, instead of their friends need to be there for them . Sure, friends are nice to have around, but not for long. Children need to be under the influence of their parents instead of under the influence of their friends...even their really good friends. Their little friends are ignorant in life. I don't mean this in a bad way, but they are. Do I want my children to be "taught" about life behind the closed door of friendship? Do I want MY children to teach someone else's children behind the closed door of friendship? Heck no! My children (and they are good children) are as likely to lead someone astray as they are likely to be led astray. They're children. They're learning. I'm learning too, but I'm learning as an adult so now I teach.

So, what am I to do? Well-I think I'll be practical and obey some things I've read many times...."Adult supervision required" and "Never leave children unattended." That's good advice for future reference.

Can I do anything about past sins and mistakes? Heck no! The blood of Christ will have to cover those---actually that precious blood will be needed for the past, present and future sins and mistakes.

God is the God of new beginnings....

Morning by morning His mercies are new....

Forgive me, dear God for the times I've hidden from you or allowed my children to do the same. I'm very sorry. Very sorry (sigh).

Once again Lord, for my children and me (and hubby)...and parenthood..."Create in me a clean heart O'Lord and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

Teach me to be a sponge dear Lord and absorb only Your Truth...The Living Water.
Thank you God! In Jesus Name!

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