Monday, August 6, 2007

Generation Gap

From my perspective, I was born in an odd generation. It's not necessary to tell which generation. BUT, I was born during the Revolution. No, not George Washington's time, I'm not THAT old, but during a time when women were supposedly breaking "free",once and for all, from the monotony of life within their homes. Since I was just born during that time I was really too young to be exposed to an overwhelming amount of information from the feminist movement.

Side bar: I was raise by a mother who was a war baby, who was raised by a mother who was born just before the Depression. My father was born during the Depression. Any idea yet of the decade I was born?

My influence of thinking as to "Women can be anything they want and escape the drudgery of home" didn't occur until I was around fifteen or so. Until then, I never thought much about the roles of women. I do believe, however, that up until the age of fifteen I was influenced by society's view of women as society's view began to be shaped more and more by what the "Hollywooders" dished out.

A few ideas with which I was thoroughly saturated, but didn't realize until I started putting "it" all together, were: Women have to be beautiful to have worth, women are objects to be used and then tossed aside, women are important if they have a career in the office, women are probably better than men.

Another side bar: Something I distinctly remember thinking as a child is, bank teller ladies are snobs. :) I don't write this to be ugly toward bank tellers , but I think during my growing up years, at least where I lived, having the job of bank teller must have been an important one for women.

I don't know that I have a point for this post, except to say, my ideas and thoughts about the roles of women have been wide and varied...that is, until I realized that God's Word clearly teaches that a woman's place is in the Home. I've heard many, many reasons as to why the Lord has "blessed my job" (meaning working outside the home), but in my opinion, that "blessing" is a contradiction to God's Word. AND, once I realized the Truth my opinion hasn't changed.

I suppose an exception would be when a man abandons his family and the woman has to feed her children by working outside the home. I truly feel for these women. I have a dear friend who is in this situation. I don't consider her a "working woman", but a mother trying to survive and take care of her children.

I believe our role as women is clearly defined in God's Word. He knows best. Why we women sometimes cheat ourselves out of this true blessing is a puzzle.

" be busy at home..." Titus 2:5


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Mrs. Anna T said...

Hi! It has been a long time since I visited. Allow me to join you and say my views have been shaped, then re-shaped, in a somewhat similar way.

I don't want to judge anyone, but here is something I noticed: often, we say, 'I feel this is a blessed decision', or 'I have a special calling', when what we really seek is to get away with our own whims, not follow God's word.

Kaye :) said...

Hi Anna,

I know what you mean. I've often heard ladies say, "The Lord's hand was in this."

This leaving of the home that we women do has become epidemic within the church, in my opinion. Pastor's wives are even joining the exiting flock. It can be discouraging to me if I focus too much on what the others are doing. It's easier when I keep my eyes on the Lord and worry about my own household.
That keeps me busy enough. :)

Front Porch Society said...

There are some women, though, that do not marry and choose career. They, too, are following God's calling. Not every woman is meant to be a wife or mother. Even Scripture talks about women who were single and worked. I have a post on this from earlier in the month on my blog. I believe the title is "Career Woman."
Just wanted to share that there is another side to consider.