Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Adult Conversation

A friend told me she knows a young mother who works because she, "...needs adult conversation." She said she's "...a better mother when she can interact with adults in the workplace." Wow! My first thought is perhaps her young children need adult conversation from their mother. I don't mean to "sound" judgmental. I just think that somewhere along the line the message of the importance of a mother's job has been lost. It's been lost in the passing of one generation to the next. Who has the baton? Do I? Perhaps.

It can be hard to stand on the soap box of womanhood and ask, "Mother! Who is holding your baby?" "Wife, who is caring for your home?" "Young lady, are you preparing yourself to become a bride?" Sadly, nowadays, those are not welcomed questions. Maybe I need to pull my soap box out of the closet and quietly stand. Then after standing, gently encourage. Have I been doing that already? What is the next step? Adding my opinion into the pot and hope it gets mixed around enough to matter? Perhaps. I know I need to make sure my own daughters know the importance of being a Keeper of the Home. The world fights against the message.

I will fight back.

Women...Love your husband and children. Love your home. Take care of your home. Honor God with your lives.

Titus 2:3-5 :)


Mrs. Anna T said...

Truly, when the world does its damaging job of turning out hearts away from our most loved ones, the excuses that can be invented to justify such a behavior are endless.

I don't know about other ladies who read this now, but I had my share of working full-time, and not once had a meaningful 'adult conversation' during my work hours. How could I, in such an incredibly stressful environment?!

Mrs. Anna T said...

... THANK YOU for your sweet email! I emailed you back not long ago and I hope it doesn't go to junk mail (like your email strangely did).

Vanessa said...


Come back to my blog. I left a message for you there ;)


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